المشروعات في السنة
- 50 - 100 من 123 النتائج
نتائج البحث
Utilization of Electrical Vehicles in Muscat-Oman: Potential and Challenges
Al Janabi, A. (PI)
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المشروع: بحوث المنح الداخلية
A statistical approach for the minimization of energy and maintenance cost for a typical educational facility.
Al-Kindi, M. (PI)
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المشروع: بحوث المنح الداخلية
A Novel GelMA Hydrogel based Microfluidic Blood-Brain Barrier Prototype for in vitro Studies of Cancer Metastasis
Alam, K. (PI)
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المشروع: المشاريع المشتركة
Measurement of product modularity degree to scale up family of product for achieving competitive
Alaudin Ahmed, S. (PI)
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المشروع: بحوث المنح الداخلية
The Use of Waste Generated From Oil Drilling Operation as alternative Raw Material in Cement Industry
Al-Suleiman, S. (PI)
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المشروع: MoHERI
Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Bone Drilling
Alam, K. (PI)
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المشروع: بحوث المنح الداخلية
Development of Energy Harvesting System for Vibrational Structures
Ghodsi, M. (PI)
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المشروع: Other project
Enhance Extend Reach Drilling Operations by Utilizing Synthesized Clays Nanoparticles in Drilling Fluids for Improved Oil and Gas Recovery
Abdo, J. (PI)
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المشروع: البحوث الإستراتيجية
Facility Layout Design of Voltamp Transformers Oman LLC
Khadem, M. (PI)
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المشروع: Other project
A Mercury-Free, Piezo-Assisted Micro-Cutter for Embryo Biopsy
Bait Bahadur, I. (PI)
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المشروع: بحوث المنح الداخلية
Electronic Spot Markets based on Combinatorial Auctions for the Transportation E-Procurement in Oman
Triki, C. (PI)
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المشروع: MoHERI
Analytical and Numerical Micromechanical Modeling of Piezo-Electrico-Magnetic- Thermo-Elastic Smart Composite Structures ? Part I Theory, Part II: Application
Hassan, E. (PI)
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المشروع: بحوث المنح الداخلية
Solid-state recycling of Magnesium alloys through consolidation of Magnesium chips using Equal Channel Angular Extrusion
Al-Maharbi, M. (PI), Ramanathan, A. (CoPI) & Qamar, S. Z. (CoI)
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المشروع: بحوث المنح الداخلية
Enhanced Prototype Design and Fabrication of a Foot Drop Stimulator Device for Locomotion Control
Zaier, R. (PI)
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المشروع: بحوث المنح الداخلية
Development of Fishing Trap Degradable Device for Prevention/Reduction of Ghost Fishing in Oman
Abdo, J. (PI)
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المشروع: البحوث الإستراتيجية
Design and Fabrication of Self-Sensing Magnetostrictive Transducer for Non-Destructive Evaluation
Ghodsi, M. (PI)
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المشروع: بحوث المنح الداخلية
Optimization Based Prediction of Human Gait A Feasibility Study to Examine the Use of Simple Mathematical Models and devices to Predict and Explain Normal and/or Pathological Gaits
Al Yahmedi, A. (PI)
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المشروع: بحوث المنح الداخلية
Developing Enhanced Micro-Scale Heat Transport Designs and Optimization Models
Husain, A. (PI)
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المشروع: بحوث المنح الداخلية
Solar power generation and solar cooling cogeneation.
Al-Azri, N. (PI)
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المشروع: MoHERI
verification audit for the phase-out management plan(HPMP) of Hydrochlorofluorocarbons(HCFCs) in Oman
Al-Suleiman, S. (PI)
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المشروع: البحوث الإستراتيجية
Mediator Based Order Acceptance Decision System for Make-to-Order Company
Piya, S. (PI)
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المشروع: بحوث المنح الداخلية
Solving the Periodic Petrol Station Replenishment Problem Using Heuristics and Metaheuristic Approaches
Al-Hinai, N. (PI)
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المشروع: بحوث المنح الداخلية
Experimental setup for performance evaluation and commercial scale synthesis of nano enhanced drilling fluids
Abdo, J. (PI)
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المشروع: البحوث الإستراتيجية
Optimal Design Configuration of an Organic Rankine Cycle Using Waste Heat and Solar Energy in Hot Arid Areas
Al-Azri, N. (PI)
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المشروع: بحوث المنح الداخلية
Nano Enhanced Supercapacitor for Energy Storage (NESES)
Ramanathan, A. (PI)
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المشروع: بحوث المنح الداخلية
Use of NF membranes for water treatment
Khalfan Said Al-Obaidani, S. (PI)
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المشروع: بحوث المنح الداخلية
Development of an Environmentally-Adapted Wheelchair: Toward More Independence for Disabled and Elderly People in Oman
Goher, K. (PI)
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المشروع: بحوث المنح الداخلية
Energy optimal gait generation of a simple biped with a torso
Al Yahmedi, A. (PI)
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المشروع: بحوث المنح الداخلية
Preparation And Charaterization Of Gas Separation And Purification Membranes
Al-Maharbi, M. (PI)
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المشروع: بحوث المنح الداخلية
Expermental and Finite Element Analysis of GRE Pipes
Qamar, S. Z. (PI)
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المشروع: Other project
Experimental and numerical study of expandable tubular materials at multi levels of materials and mechanics
Pervez, T. (PI)
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المشروع: MoHERI
Environmental Assessment study: Monitoring and Assessment of Sick Building Syndrome (SBS) Indicators
Al-Suleiman, S. (PI)
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المشروع: بحوث المنح الداخلية
Facility Layout Design of Voltamp Transformers Oman LLC
Khadem, M. (PI)
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المشروع: Other project
Development of Nano-enhanced Drilling Fluids for Adaptable Performance and Stability in HTHP Conditions
Abdo, J. (PI)
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المشروع: بحوث المنح الداخلية
Development of Nano-enhanced Drilling Fluids for Adaptable Performance and Stability in HTHP Conditions
Abdo, J. (PI)
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المشروع: Other project
Experimental Study of Conical Hydro-Cyclone for Treatment of Produced Water
Al Rawahi, N. (PI)
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المشروع: بحوث المنح الداخلية
Design and development of a bottom tapping stir casting facility for production of nano metal matrix composites
Al-Maharbi, M. (CoPI) & Ramanathan, A. (PI)
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المشروع: Research project
Nano-enhanced drilling fluids: Synthesis, testing by developed setup and optimization for improved performance
Abdo, J. (PI)
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المشروع: بحوث المنح الداخلية
Micromechanical Modeling of Mechanical Behavior and Strength of Cellular Solids
Alzebdeh, K. (PI)
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المشروع: بحوث المنح الداخلية
Machine Learning Approaches to decision making and motion generation of humanoid robots
Zaier, R. (PI)
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المشروع: بحوث المنح الداخلية
Testing and Characterization of Easywell Water-Swelling and Oil-Swelling Elastomers
Qamar, S. Z. (PI)
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المشروع: Other project
Material Characterization of Water-Swelling and Oil-Swelling Elastomer
Qamar, S. Z. (PI)
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المشروع: Other project
Developing a report on Phasing-out the consumption of hydro chloroflurocarbons in Oman
Al-Suleiman, S. (PI)
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المشروع: Other project
An Assignment to verify the achievements related to the implementation of the terminal phase out management plan for chloroflurocarbons substances in Oman
Al-Suleiman, S. (PI)
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المشروع: Other project
Occupational health and safety issues affecting worker performance in Omani industries
Khadem, M. (PI)
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المشروع: بحوث المنح الداخلية
The design and construction of a nano and micro scale pin-on-disc testing machine
Abdo, J. (PI)
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المشروع: بحوث المنح الداخلية
Customer satisfaction survey for electricirty consumers in Oman
Al-Suleiman, S. (PI)
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المشروع: المشاريع المشتركة
Characterisation longevity testing of swellable elastomers
Qamar, S. Z. (PI)
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المشروع: Other project
Multiphase flow loop auditing by NEL: Phase I
Al Rawahi, N. (PI)
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المشروع: المشاريع المشتركة